Vision Quilt grieves the recent murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Dion Johnson, Tony McDade, and others. This outbreak of violence reveals — once again — the pervasiveness of systemic injustice, police brutality and white supremacy that Black communities are confronted with everyday. In Southern Oregon we have been in the streets, chanting and marching alongside passionate and courageous Black, POC, and white allies while white supremacist militias lurk on every street corner, carrying firearms to threaten and intimate the peaceful protestors. They know their reign is coming to an end, and they are afraid. We are also supporting Black leaders in the Bay Area, through our work with Oakland's Violence Prevention Coalition and the Oakland Front-line Healers. While supporting nonviolent demonstrations aimed at justice and transformation, the Violence Prevention Coalition condemns the riots and looting, and grieves the death of Patrick Underwood, who was shot and killed during the protests last week. Whether you are in the streets or continuing to shelter-in-place at home, we urge you to stay safe. Thank you for your dedication to ending the systemic oppression of Black communities everywhere. Together we CAN end white supremacy.
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VQ Blog
News, events and announcements from Vision Quilt Archives
July 2022